
Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Liz Reehle (soon-to-be Laskowski); I live in Lynchburg, Virginia; I’m a climber; I’m a fighter; most of all, I’m a writer. Above all that, I’m a Child of the King. It’s been only me and Jesus since I was thirteen. (Really, I was saved when I was like five. But that didn’t make for as good of a rhyme.) I’m happily engaged to a man named Josh. I am also unhappily involved with a horrendous ailment called chronic Lyme. Yes, it did kill the rhyme. Lyme is kind of a buzzkill.

Constantly, I wish to be on a mountain, in the forest, by the sea, or by a fire. Lacking that, though, I’ll be happy grabbing a pen and writing a novel or inventing a language. Kǎla loi ne Common. That’s Valjen for “English is boring.” That’s one small joy of mine that I hope to share on this site.

I started Myth Becomes Fact for a far more significant reason, though. To the best of my ability, I want to open people’s eyes to the Beauty in this world. A lot of darkness has plagued these twenty-two years of my life. I have fought debilitating depression since I was fourteen. That’s probably around when I starting fighting Lyme too, but Lyme didn’t make it hard to walk and think and make me drop out of school until a year ago. This disease has taken a lot out of me in the past year. It’s taken a lot from my life in the past eight. But I can still say with complete and utter confidence that this world is Beautiful and even this will be redeemed.

If by my words alone, I would fail to convince you of this significant fact after a thousand years of trying. I can do nothing to change hearts. But even if I could, the world has too much darkness for me to know how to begin to convince anyone that something as glorious as Beauty is woven inseparably into the fabric of her. But I pray that the Lord may use these words to touch you… or if nothing else, that you might find a spark of hope in them to carry on for one more day.